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+ 44 (0) 2922 090 115

124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Let's Get You Funded

With more than 10 years of experience, we have assisted businesses in every phase of their growth journey. If you're developing new and innovative technologies, there's a chance to secure millions of pounds in Innovation Grant funding. Grant funding is available for R&D projects, and there are various opportunities for individuals and businesses to obtain it. You just need to locate them.

Grant Bid Writing

Grant Bid Writing

Finance your growth

Finance your growth



Hello, tomorrow.

It's in the nature of technology to keep evolving, and Capti Innovation can help you navigate this process. Our team uses the latest technology, design thinking, agility, and funding options to help you strategize your funding options and guide your transformation. Many businesses believe they are grant-ready, but in reality, they may not be. We can help bring your dreams to life by identifying the funding you need. Our expertise lies in understanding your current situation, creating short-term and long-term strategies, and revitalizing your legacy systems at a pace that suits your business.

Finance for Growth

Whether you’re an established business or a start-up entrepreneur looking to expand further, there are several ways to secure business funding. Mainstream lending doesn’t sit well with disruptive innovation. Speak to us about our funding options

Bid Grant Writing

Our team of bid writers has extensive experience in various industries, and we offer exceptional bid writing and grant funding support. Applying for grant funding can be a time-consuming process that can divert your attention from normal business activities.


We offer market research and commercialization services that can help you take advantage of your innovations. We use a variety of research methods to identify opportunities, minimize risks, and plan your market strategy.

Collaborative R&D Partnerships

We are dedicated to collaborating on research and development projects with partners from both the private and public sectors worldwide. We take great pleasure in working on projects that have practical applications and contribute positively to society

Grant Project Support

Our funding support help you to focus 100% on your project without the worry of finances, mapping, strategy, milestone reviews, compliance and administration. When managing Innovate UK and European grants it’s important to adhere to the compliance guidelines

Patent Box

The UK Patent Box offers a lucrative tax incentive for innovative companies. These companies only have to pay a tax rate of 10% on their Patent Box profits, which is significantly lower than the current corporation tax rate of 19%.


We win together

We collaborate with companies, partners, and groups worldwide. With connections in more than 35 countries, we are here to assist you in either expanding your ideas globally or investing in the UK
